Make sure your AC has power Gainesville, FL
If it’s hot out and you need to stay cool in Gainesville, FL, our youngest HVAC technician in training has a free tip for you!
Watch our technician in training, and future Woman in HVAC, explain how to keep your air conditions running cool, even when you’re in the bathroom!
Video Transcript:
“Hi this is Jarvis Heat & Air and this is your tip of the day. This is how an air conditioner works; when you have a plug to an air conditioner and you plug it in, it shoots air out so you can get air. So you won’t get hot. But if you’re in the bathroom and you have it, it will still go. And that is your tip of the day.”
Keeping the power on to your air conditioner is an important part of staying cool! If your unit isn’t running, check your breaker and if the breaker keeps tripping, call Jarvis Heat & Air and we’ll come take a look at your unit for you.
Make sure your ac has power – Gainesville, FL

Jarvis Heat & Air, LLC
July 10, 2023